Saturday, January 11th 2014 : Aaron Beam and John Sherman (RED FANG) fly to Switzerland straight after the band’s performance at the famous Letterman Show in New York to meet Louis Jucker and Luc Hess (KUNZ) at the airport. The 4 guys drive to Lausanne, straight to the venue LE ROMANDIE, put their two bass amps and drums on stage, then go out for a beer in a funny local cover bands festival.
Sunday 12th, They write 4 songs in the deserted venue and go to sleep.
Monday 13th, a whole crew of video makers, graphic designers and other creative minds set up its camp in the
club’s backstage. Mission is to get the most work done within a week.
Tuesday 14th, Everyone is super pumped and party a little too hard.
Wednesday 15th, The band spends the day tracking songs, goes out for a walk, buys a small acoustic guitar in a pawn shop, comes back to the club, plays the tunes again in front of the crew’s cameras and decides to keep these takes as the final ones.
Thursday 16th, Aaron and Louis write vocal lines and lyrics in Jucker’s attic studio. John and Luc drink beers and eat pizzas.
Friday 17th, The whole town is gathered in a packed venue to see the new born RED KUNZ playing their first record : TEETH, HAIR AND SKIN, 20 minutes of raw bass riffing and double drums battles that somehow manage to sound like proper catchy songs. Fact is that they were all conceived and taped within a single and cool week of friendship, beers, and jams.
recorded January 15th 2014, between 7 and 8 pm, by Christoph Noth, Le Romandie, Lausanne, CH
mixed March 10-11th 2014 by Christoph Noth, Fire Ant Music, Fribourg, CH
mastered March 31th 2014 by Raphaël Bovey, MyRoom Studio, Lausanne, CH
artwork by Prune Simon-Vermot and Gaspard Gigon, Spitzhorn, La Chaux-de-Fonds, CH
aaron Bean on John Sherman appear courtesy of Relapse Records