Murmuration is an impressive watchtower of orchestral noise-rock crafted by raucus, almost mineral guitar slabs, heavily shaken by anxious drumbeats. The floor is trembling yet the fortress holds still. Tracked again live by Amaury Sauvé at the Apiary Studio in Laval, this new full- length sees the swiss quintet insisting on what they’re best at defending: solid instrumental rock that’s made to last.
All music by Darius.
Artwork by Thanassis Fouradoulas, layout with Sylvain Aebischer, pictures by Aurélie Ayer & Alessandro Dezio, additional bass on Bilzibute & all percussions by Amaury Sauvé.
Recorded live, produced and mixed by Amaury Sauvé at The Apiary Studio with Etienne Clauzel & Julien Janin. Mastered by Thibault Chaumont at Deviant Lab. Released by Humus Records.